Mythical Storytelling by Shinjan
Civilisations across the world are full of fascinating myths and legends. Join me, your host and storyteller, Shinjan, to listen to these ancient and wonderous tales from all over the world. If you want to explore myths and legends from the Greek, Roman, Norse and other ancient civilisations, then you are at the right place. To support the podcast and show your appreciation, buy mea coffee (https://www.buymeacoffee.com/shinjanb)
Podcasting since 2021 • 79 episodes
Mythical Storytelling by Shinjan
Latest Episodes
Announcement: New Podcast
This is an annoucement and intro to my new podcast Paranormal Storytelling by Shinjan. Thank you for your support so far and I hope you'll support this new podcast as well. Available from whereever you get your podcasts from.Connect wit...
Season 3
Episode 22

Native American Mythology - Story of a father who was worried that his daughter would be kidnapped by the buffalo-kingConnect with me on Twitter to share your comments: @blabbering...
Season 3
Episode 21

The woman who loved a fish
Native American Mythology - Story of a young Marshpees woman who fell in love with a fish.Connect with me on Twitter to share your comments: @blabberingshin
Season 3
Episode 20